“Minha missão era recrutar alunas, convencendo-as que mulheres são oprimidas.”

Fonte:   http://bit.ly/2bOpWfV  

— Dra. Joyce Trebilcot, Professora Emérita de Filosofia e Estudos sobre a Mulher, U. do Estado de Washington.

Joyce Trebilcot: “If the classroom situation is very patriarchal–a large beginning class of fifty to sixty students, say, with few feminist students–I am likely to define my task as largely one of recruitment and so to find persuasion – for example, persuading students that women as oppressed – an essential tool.”

– Joyce Trebilcot, “Dyke Methods”, Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 3, no. 2 (verão 1988): 7.
