— Erin Pizzey (1939–), fundadora do primeiro abrigo no Reino Unido para vítimas de violência doméstica
“No meu abrigo na Inglaterra, um terço das mulheres sempre eram prostitutas. Na maioria das vezes, elas estavam fugindo dos seus cafetões ou de algum outro problema – a polícia, por exemplo. Eu honestamente não posso dizer que precisassem de mais amparo que qualquer outra mulher que viesse se abrigar. Elas eram, no geral, mulheres muito capazes e fortes. Certamente a maioria tinham um histórico de agressão sexual, mas elas estavam plenamente cientes acerca da sua escolha de vender o seu corpo. Na verdade, nas conversas que se seguiram entre todas as mulheres nos abrigos, eu percebi que frequentemente eram as ‘prostitutas’ as mais bem resolvidas emocionalmente. Suspeito que quem quer ‘salvar’ as prostitutas geralmente tem muito pouco conhecimento sobre a vida delas. O que mais me impressionou quando tentava compreender relacionamentos muito complicados era quão sinceras eram as mulheres que vendiam favores sexuais.”
“At any one time a third of the women in my refuges in England and in America were prostitutes. Most of the time they were taking refuge from their pimps or some other trouble – the police for instance. I honestly can’t say that they needed any more protection than any of the other women who came in. They were, on the whole, very able, very tough women. Certainly most of them had come from sexually abused background but they were well aware of their choice to sell their bodies. In fact, in the ensuing discussions amongst all of the women in the refuges, I noticed how often it was the ‘prostitutes’ who had sorted out their lives emotionally in a way so many of the other women had not. I suspect people who wish to ‘rescue’ prostitutes usually have very little knowledge of their lifestyles. The thing that struck me most as I struggled to understand very complicated relationships was how honest the women were who sold their sexual favours.”
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