Fonte: https://7uvw.xyz/ladodireitodaequidade/uncategorized/6-august-2017-christian-man-supports-mgm-death-penalty-for-homosexuals-adultresses-blasphemers/
– Mike Buchanan, 2016.
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A reminder that not only Jews and Muslims endorse MGM. This Eritrean Orthodox Christian would like UK law to be based upon the Old Testament, which would (he agreed) result in death penalties for homosexuals, adultresses, blasphemers, children who disobey their parents…
– Mike Buchanan, “6 August 2017: Christian man supports MGM, death penalty for homosexuals, adultresses, blasphemers”, 11 de agosto de 2017. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3ooC-GrEHQ
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