das empresas são de mulheres

Fonte:   https://7uvw.xyz/ladodireitodaequidade/pesquisas/eua-pesquisas/empresas-mulheres/  

– Merrill Lynch, 2011.

“Mulheres são hoje donas de 40% das empresas privadas e de metade do patrimônio privado nos EUA, estimado para 2020 em $11 de $22 trilhões de dólares. Duas de cada 10 esposas ganham mais que seus maridos, e ao longo da vida da família, 90% das mulheres controlarão o patrimônio familiar.”

“Women… now own 40% of America’s privately owned businesses and hold half its wealth – estimated to be $11 trillion of a total $22 trillion by 2020. Two in 10 married women outearn their husbands, and over the course of a family’s life, 90% of women will control its wealth.”

– David Tyrie, “What Women Can Teach Us About Money”, Forbes, 26.10.2011. http://www.launchleads.com/blogs/launch-leads/forbes-what-women-can-teach-us-about-money/


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